Introduction to Retail Industry


The first decade of modern retail in India has been characterized by a shift from traditional High Street Multi Brand shops to new formats of Exclusive Brand outlet and across a range of categories. Modern retail formats have mushroomed in metros and mini-metros. In the last few years, modern retail has also established its presence in the small cities.

India has often been called a nation of shopkeepers. Presumably the reason for this is; that, a large number of retail enterprises exist in India. In 2004, there were 12 million such units of which 98% are small family businesses, utilizing only Household labor. Even among retail enterprises, which employ hired workers.


Majority of them use less than three workers. Retailing is the combination of activities involved in selling or renting consumer goods and services directly to ultimate consumers for their personal or household use. In addition to selling, retailing includes such diverse activities as, buying, advertising, data processing and maintaining inventory.


While sales people regularly call on institutional customers, to initiate and conclude transactions, most end users or final customers, patronize stores. This makes store location, product assortment, timings, store fixtures, sales personnel, delivery and other factors, very critical in drawing customers to the store.


Final customers make many unplanned. In contrast those who buy for resale or use in manufacturing are more systematic in their purchasing. Therefore, retailers need to place impulse items in high traffic locations, organize, store layout, trains sales people in suggestion, and place related items next to each other, to stimulate purchase.

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