Intrusion – Type of Parasitic Marketing


In this form of parasitic marketing, the ambush marketer seeks not to suggest a connection with the event but rather to give his own name, trade mark, or other insignia exposure through the medium of the publicity attracted by the event; this is done without any authorization of the event organizer. In this type of parasitic Marketing the Marketer strives to use the event and the attention gained via the event to promote his product.


Pepsi during the 2002 FIFA World Cup did not claim that they were supporting the World Cup. However, it used the event to promote their product.


They don’t support football the way it should be supported, and yet they are promoting an association with it, for example, by having a very nice and clever ad with Sumo wrestlers also involving famous Football stars.”

– CEO of FIFA Marketing, Patrick Magyar


The Second form of Parasitic Marketing (Intrusion) is more popular with marketers than the First Form (Forging) due to the legal implications of the First Form (Forging) of Parasitic Marketing.

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