Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules   No. of Lectures
 1  Introduction to Investment Environment  15
 2  Risk – Return Relationship  15
 3  Portfolio Management and Security Analysis  15
 4  Theories, Capital Asset Pricing Model and Portfolio Performance Measurement  15
 Total  60

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management– Syllabus Overview

SN SN Modules/ Units
 1 Introduction to Investment Environment 
a) Introduction to Investment Environment

• Introduction, Investment Process, Criteria for Investment, Types of Investors, Investment V/s Speculation V/s Gambling, Investment Avenues, Factors Influencing Selection of Investment Alternatives

b) Capital Market in India

• Introduction, Concepts of Investment Banks its Role and Functions, Stock Market Index, The NASDAQ, SDL, NSDL, Benefits of Depository Settlement, Online Share Trading and its Advantages, Concepts of Small cap, Large cap, Midcap and Penny stocks

 2  Risk – Return Relationship
 • Meaning, Types of Risk- Systematic and Unsystematic risk, Measurement of Beta, Standard Deviation, Variance, Reduction of Risk through Diversification. Practical Problems on Calculation of Standard Deviation, Variance and Beta.
 3  Portfolio Management and Security Analysis
a) Portfolio Management:

• Meaning and Concept, Portfolio Management Process, Objectives, Basic Principles, Factors affecting Investment Decisions in Portfolio Management, Portfolio Strategy Mix.

b) Security Analysis:

• Fundamental Analysis, Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis, Company Analysis, Technical Analysis – Basic Principles of Technical Analysis., Uses of Charts: Line Chart, Bar Chart, Candlestick Chart, Mathematical Indicators: Moving Averages, Oscillators.

 4 Theories, Capital Asset Pricing Model and Portfolio Performance Measurement
a) Theories:

• Dow Jones Theory, Elloit Wave Theory, Efficient Market Theory

b) Capital Asset Pricing Model:

• Assumptions of CAPM, CAPM Equation, Capital Market Line, Security Market Line

c) Portfolio Performance Measurement:

• Meaning of Portfolio Evaluation, Sharpe’s Ratio (Basic Problems), Treynor’s Ratio (Basic Problems), Jensen’s Differential Returns (Basic Problems)

Reference Books for Subject: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
1. Kevin. S, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

2. Donald Fischer & Ronald Jordon, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management

3. Prasanna Chandra, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management

4. Sudhindhra Bhatt, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.

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