Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management Mumbai University April 2014 Solved Answer Paper


Solved Answer Paper of IAPM is for only practical sums.

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Question Paper:

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  1. hello sir,

    I have a doubt about the portfolio’s paper.
    when I saw the paper I was extremely happy. but due to that by mistakenly I added
    depreciation in 4th sum of portfolio which was not needed.
    will I get marks for that or my whole answer would considered as a wrong???
    Even due to print mistaken in question paper I did silly mistakes while solving
    sharpe’s measure…if they will considered as whole sum as wrong it would be
    very bad for me and I may not score at least 50% in portfolio’s paper.

    What do you think that i’ll get marks for that sum or not… least for steps
    & if yes, what do you think how much marks i’ll get in that particular sum???
    Plz reply me as soon as possible.
    I’m curiously waiting for your reply.

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