Invitation to the Mumbai Education Festival 2011

0 invites all BMS students to the MUMBAI EDUCATION FESTIVAL 2011

Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi, Mumbai

2nd, 3rd & 4th june, 2011

11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

About Event
Development of every nation depends on the role of educated citizens of the country. That’s why from the ancient time, our ancestors have involved themselves completely to expand the education all over.

In current scenario, for versatile progress of person, education is main aspect and for this reason Mumbai Education Festival is daring to act as helpful and suitable pathway among students, parents and educational institute, so that every new prospects
and virtuous chance gets available to all the needful and aspiring student.

Since education is sole of a person’s personality so we want to promote education in the entire world so that the current and upcoming generation can enjoy their life in prosperous and peaceful way. Education is compulsory for development of society and country. We Provide platform where the efficient and deserving could get proper information regarding education institute and career opportunities.

This Unique exhibition aims to the prospective undergraduate & Postgraduate students from Mumbai heading towards achieving education in the most renowned institutions in INDIA & ABROAD.
The Students will have full information to pursue their further education in the world-class institutions in INDIA & ABROAD

The Visitors coming to this fair will be in the age group of 14 – 26 Years and must be piercing their education in the finest schools, colleges & institutions of MUMBAI.

Contact Us: Sohan Sahadevan (President Mumbai): 9867629785, [email protected]

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