IPL Playoffs Turning To Be Quite Famous Attracting 2.8 Million Online Viewers


The recent two big matches which were considered worth watching in the play-offs first one being Kings XI Punjab versus Kolkata Knight Riders and second Chennai Super kings versus Mumbai Indians was streamed on starsports.com. The coverage of the two big playoff matches on starsport.com attracted almost 2.8 million online viewers on Wednesday.

Star India Pvt. Ltd owned by Star Indian Pvt.Ltd says the number of online viewers for Indian Premier league has broken all the past records with last one being the coverage of the Sochi Winter Olympics on nbcolympics.com earlier this year claimed the record for the most watched on the internet with 2.1 million viewers on 21st February, The day US and Canada squared off in a men’s ice-hockey match.

In the case of Indian Premier League it has said that it has attracted more than 55 million visits in the past six weeks, since the start of the IPL, with the viewers having watched 450 million minutes of video… Isn’t that Amazing!!

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Starsports.com is airing the matches live and a with a five-minute delay. As of now the channel did not disclose any details of subscription. A deal which has taken place Star India Pvt. Ltd with Times Internet, which owns the digital broadcast rights for the popular cricket tournament. Times Internet has even won the internet and mobile broadcast rights for IPL for Rs 261.6 crores in 2011 and has now teamed up with Star India in January 2014 to share rights.

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After seeing such record breaking number we can make sure that the Indian Premier league is becoming more and more famous day by day

–          By Burhan Fatehi

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