Iraq Crisis- Test for Team NaMo?



The recent kidnapping of 40 Indians in Iraq has caused a lot of problems for the Modi Government. It has made the public to question its power and governance, which it promised during the elections. Major threat right now is, thinking that it might turn out like the 1999 hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight IC 814, which brought the then government BJP led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee to its knees and showed it to be weak!

Iraqi kidnappers are expected to release the workers for a large sum of money like before i.e. the kidnapping of 3 Indians in 2004. But the other possibility is they may ask to release terrorists in Indian jails for the 40 Indians!

The Indians, who are kidnapped, are poor construction workers belonging to Punjab, who were working in Mosul, a city overrun by Islamic militants. This problem is very difficult and sensitive, as told by the top government official, who is taking efforts to get things right and bring them back safe and sound.

This issue has questioned BJP’s promise of high National Security and the oath PM Narendra Modi while taking over the Government. Government has again assigned Doval, who is in constant touch with Suresh Reddy, a former envoy to Iraq. Doval is quite experienced in this matter, as he was the negotiator for the government during the 1999 hijacking of Airlines with 178 passengers and crew on board. With his negotiation, Indian Government released 3 terrorists to secure Indians!

Let’s hope we find a solution to this and those 40 innocent Indians are released soon.

-Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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