‘Time has changed’- I agree. There was a time when it was ‘Career oriented Man’ but now it is ‘Career oriented Woman’. We Indians have grabbed this concept of career oriented woman from Western countries. But has our society really accepted this idea? I doubt….Let’s not look from the perspective of minimum percentage of woman. Let’s analyse the situation by standing in the shoes of majority.
India has always been filled with different cultures and rituals. Although the procedure for implementing those believes were different, but all the cultures portrayed men as earning hands and women has house wives. Today at 22nd century, people have started to accept that women are equally capable of facing the outside world and becoming the earning hands, but this change in the mind-set is not spread all over the country.
Even today, girls are expected to manage the house show irrespective of whether she is a working woman or not. And if she has to choose between her career and house responsibilities, she is expected to choose her house and family responsibilities by default. Then how can we say that Indian society has accepted the working and career oriented woman? But making a statement that career oriented woman is condemned by Indian society is as well unacceptable. To an extent, women are motivated to be independent. Friends, we should not forget that India was a backward country and in past 67 years, it has managed to drastically change in all aspects. The positive point is, men have shown a positive change by accepting house hold responsibilities. Definitely not a significant percentage of men but still, there is start.
All I can say is that I am happy about the change in Indian society perspectives and expectations.
– Aishwarya J