Is BMS The Right Choice For Girls? 5 Reasons Why Girls Must Choose BMS


Is BMS The Right Choice For Girls? 5 Reasons Why Girls Must Choose BMS

Nowadays girls have entered all fields of business. From HR, to marketing, women have made their mark in every department. IBM appointed its first female CEO in Ginni Rometty. Irene Rosenfeld is the chairman and CEO of Kraft. Susan Wojcicki, a google SVP is the woman behind all of the search giant’s ad products like AdWords and AdSense and was responsible for 96% of the company’s revenue in 2011. In India, Naina Kidwai is the Country Head of HSBC India and she is the first woman president of industry lobby group FICCI till December 2013.

Susan Wojcicki

Picture: Susan Wojcicki

Women all over the world have realised their potential in the business world and have broken the stereotype of men always running a business. Here are a few reasons why you must choose BMS if you’re a girl.


  1. If you have plans to work in a MNC or any business, BMS will give you the education you need to succeed.

BMS covers a wide range of subjects like accounting, law, marketing, computers and many more. You will not only have information on many subjects, you can also decide which field interests you the most and accordingly you can do masters in that subject.

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  1. Girls usually are shy to express their views, BMS will remove that fear and build confidence.

During the course of 3 years, you will have a lot of projects and assignments. You will have to make presentations and practise speaking in front of your classmates and teachers. This will help you gain confidence and improve your speaking and presentation skills which are needed when you apply for a job.

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  1. If you have a family business to run, BMS will give you the exact knowledge that is needed.

Management studies is all about how you can manage and improve business and work place. Running a family business will require skills like leadership, communicating skills, Accounting and finance skills, all of which will be taught to you in the 3 years of BMS. After studying BMS, you can run your family business or start your own business using the knowledge you study in BMS.

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  1. People say Girls are very bossy, well BMS will teach you how to use those skills to become an effective leader and guide you to the right track.

Have you ever been teased as a bossy girl? Well you can turn that into an advantage by choosing BMS. BMS will teach you the right managerial skills and impart leadership qualities which will help you become a good manager.

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  1. Girls are known to be creative and innovative.

Well if you think your creativity has no use, you’re wrong. Business today needs people who think out of the box and who constantly challenge themselves. Girls have the potential to think innovatively and succeed in business. BMS gives them the right knowledge and shapes them into strong women who know how to use their mind.

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If you think you have the potential to be a successful business woman someday, BMS is the right choice. You need to break the stereotype and join business to prove it to everyone that business is not only for men.

BMS will give you many career options, right skills, qualities and confidence that is required for a reputed business woman.


By Rhea Shetty. 

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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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