Is BPO Your First Choice Or Last?


I am sure everybody is aware about Business Process Outsource, commonly known as BPO. Have you ever thought about a career in BPO sector? I am sure that your answer will be NO. You may think why I am that confident about your answer even before you could think or type it in the comment space. Before you bang your head and imagine weird answers, I myself will tell you the answer. I do not have any physic powers. It is my personal experience. I was once at your place. But don’t you think it is time to change our point of view with regards to BPO jobs?

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When it comes to BPO every body will share mutual ideas. They think of call centers and customer service. The only job description that strikes all ours minds is answering phone calls of the customers and resolving their queries. We also think that the job involves doing some sales of the products and services. Nothing more than that. But friends, let me remind you that this industry is just not limited to taking calls. There is something more to it. Friends, as per my point of view, developing a career in BPO industry is not a bad option. It is just like any other industry. Are you aware that this particular industry brings a significant amount of revenue to the economy. My main intention of writing this article to highlight the thought process of the youth who we call the change and who is known for revolution in ideas and approach. It is definitely up to you to choose your industry, but my intention is discuss the very basic mind set that everyone has about BPO. I always wonder why everyone, starting from our parents till our friends and neighbor, look down up on people who are associated with BPO industry. I personally find BPO industry as a basket of opportunities, growth, success, money and career.

Business Process Outsource that is also known as BPO acts as a supporting industry. This is industry is like a supporting actor/actress who play a very important role and complements the main actor/actress. During Oscars and IIFA, the supporting role is given equal importance and is counted as one of the popular awards in the ceremony. Similarly, BPO is a supporting industry that complements the main industries. Companies like Google and Yahoo, have to concentrate on a lot activities. Unfortunately, due to resource constraints and with the intention of making proper and efficient utilization of resources, industries started allocating its work. It decided to focus on core activities and allocate secondary activities like customer service to agencies who are trained in this particular area. These agencies have the required resources to carry out this actively and  more efficiently than they themselves can do. With this idea, companies started to explore the hidden opportunities and as a result we all got exposed to a new working sector called Business Process Outsource. This sector has all the departments that any other industry has. Starting with finance, human resource, logistics and so on.

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We all consider ourselves as a part of modernized society, then why do we all fail to understand this aspect of the industry before making a conclusion. It is not the fault of new generation but it is the treatment that society gives to the person working in a BPO sector, specially working as a customer service agent. Forget about the society but it is our family who feels ashamed to disclose their children’s profession if he/she is working in a BPO sector. They make a persistent effort to convince and talk the person into resigning their jobs and look for some other profession. As a result nobody gathers the courage to stand up and say that he works in a BPO sector and accept his job description as a customer service agent. Although I cannot generalize my opinion but this what I have experienced in my social network.

Friends it is high time we look at this conventional idea in a different way. Who knows, it might make a difference. To work in a BPO sector is as difficult as working in any other field. You still need to be a graduate to join this sector, even as a customer service agent.

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nidhi vora


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