Is Business Excellence possible without compromising on Quality economy/profitability?



Ans.        According to me I do believe that business excellence is possible without compromising integrity quality and economy/profitability.  In today’s world business is regarded as evil tainted and unethical but it is not so. Business is a sacred sadhana it is a matter of attitude approach and level of management consciousness.  One can do business, make money, earn profit, build up property and even then it can be managed with due recognition to human and ethical values and respecting all persons in expertise and in the society as human beings.  Let us first consider integrity.

Integrity is wholeness, a goodness, courage and self discipline to live by your inner truth.

Wholeness implies totality soundness perfection and completeness.  It is our ego which has separated us from others by implementing the concept of wholeness.  We can have a peace working environment which would lead to zero conflicts.  Goodness covers all essential values such as honesty, morality, mindness, fairness, charity, truthfulness, generosity, etc.  This would pure our thoughts and would be able to motivate our employees to work effectively.

Courage points out acts of bravery the person with courage has guts to go ahead do something which is risky through courage.  We can set up an open example to our followers.  Self discipline means that we have control on mind and senses. Our quality of life changes with discipline and self control.  The quality of life would give us greater harmony and happiness. We always need discipline and courage together to reach our objective in time.

Living by inner truth:

Inner mind or truth communicates through joint whispers intuitive thought feeling buried deep within us.  To live by inner truth at work amounts to remain incorruptible, clean and inviolable which is the major crisis of today’s world.  It would also be profitable to the organization since it will cultivate a good company’s image in the mind of the customers.


Quality:  It is one of the most important features of a product or services which every customer looks into a quality product or service gets very well distinguished from other product and service in the market, it creates good brand image in the sight of the customers.  In today’s competitive world quality s the only feature which can enable a company to the top position.


Qualities required for development of a personality (SarvangiVikasorSarvatomukhiPratibha) are :

  1. Atmavishwas (self Confidence):  Self-confidence is a must in each and every individual. “Can do” attitude must be developed in every individual.
  2. Para Samman (Reverence for all creation):  An individual must have reverence for nature, man, animal, etc.
  3. Sahas (Daring):  An individual must have the daring to face challenges and accept everything that is new and sudden whether it is a new thought or a sudden circumstance etc.
  4. Dhairya (Patience):  ‘Slow and steady wins the race’.  The attitude of “wait” must be developed.  Results always take time.  A person must have patience. He must not do things in a hurry, as ‘Haste is Waste’.
  5. Nischaytmakta (Decisiveness):  An individual must be decisive and not indecisive.  A person must have Nirnay Shakti andNischayatmakBuddhi.
  6. Abhyasu Vrutti (Readiness to learn):  Readiness to learn and curiosity to learn go hand-in-hand. They help an individual gain knowledge, resulting in the development of the indivdual.
  7. Straightforwardness and simplicity:  A person should be straightforward and simple in life if he wants to develop. A person must know how to adjust in any situation.
  8. Satata (Continuity):  He must be a constant and consistent learner.
  9. Perseverance:  He must have perseverance and deep-thinking.
  10. Sportsman spirit:  He must learn to accept failures just as he accepts success.
  11. Audarya ()Generosity):  A person must have a big heart and not a narrow one.
  12. Sahanshilta (Tolerance):  He must have the quality of tolerating any human being and any situation.
  13. Tyagi (sacrificing):  He must be a tyagi. He must learn to sacrifice his personal interests for a cause.
  14. Compassionate:  He must have love and compassion for all.
  15. Appreciation:  A person must learn to appreciate others.
  16. Alertness and Awareness:  He must be alert about good and bad and must know how to carry his duties and responsibilities.
  17. Tanmavta:  He must be completely engrossed in his work.


In order to inculcate these values in an individual an ideal must be  placed in front of them; from whom they can learn these qualities themselves.

a.             The ideal of Aristotal wasAbrahamLincoln.

b.             Vivekanand’s ideal was his guruRamkrishnaParamhansa.

c.             The ideal of Shankaracharya was his guru Gaudpadacharya.


The developed the qualities of their ideals in themselves and build up their personality.

Hence we can say that the above mentioned people are great examples of Holistic approach to personality since all the above mentioned values are imbibed in them.



Motivation is a general term applying to entire class of drivers, desires, needs, wishes, and similar forces.  To say that managers motivate their subordinates is to say that they do those things, which they hope will satisfy these drivers and desires and induce the subordinate to act in a desired manner.

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