Is Cell Phone An Asset Or Liability?



             Cell phones or mobiles- today’s inseparable device from teens and college students! Now-a-days cell phone has become a significant part of their lives and I won’t deny its importance, especially after the speeding advances in android and windows market. Smart phones today are really useful for communicating which is its basic responsibility to reading e-books to playing games. One can video chat (obviously with internet or wi-fi connection), send messages, play numerous games from entertaining to logical, even watch television shows and much more. Android has helped advancing the technology to a great extent. Activities such as creating a presentation, booking tickets and shows, which were possible only with the help of computers can now be accomplished even on mobile phones. In emergencies it can even prove to be a life saver. We don’t have to carry specifically a camera now because, good quality of it is available in smartphones and it even reduces some luggage. If we want to browse anything, search locations such as hotels, restaurants, picnic spots, or even local trains then it is just one touch away from a click. Even guidance for directions while driving is possible through the GPS installed in smartphones. As well as magnetic compass, measuring scales, magnifying glass, converters, calculators, most of the things are available in one compact body. And social networking sites are getting too much used, thanks to cell phones.

Now-a-days options are even available for listening out emails and messages (in English) in i-phones. Information have become accessible even by voice commands. It has decreased the tension of parents when their children are away from them as they know they can  easily be in touch with them. And if we are just bored or ideally travelling we can pop up the earphones and listen to music on mobile. Thus overall cell phones have proven to be a great asset and have influenced human behavior and is helping humankind to reach a new level of technology. But by this, we cannot neglect the ill effects caused by it. It is a pity to see, how today’s teenagers and students have become too addictive of it. If they forget their cell phones it feels to them as their some vital part is missing. Their addiction is to that extent, that even while their lectures are being conducted, their cell phones are in no peace and the students are busy not paying attention to class. Their first priority have turned to mobile phones. When I tell this I am not talking about every teen or student, but it wouldn’t exaggerate to tell that 70% of the ones are included in the category.

Today’s teens’ 24×7 companion is their mobile phones. There are some students who even while studying keep their phones beside them which can prove to be a disastrous distraction. Continuous chatting and texting have become a habit for some teens. Even while eating some can’t stay away from their loved phones and if parents ask them to keep it away they start sulking or some don’t even listen to them. But children don’t understand the concern of their parents that overuse of mobile phones can strain their eyes and lack of physical movements, make them lethargic. But most teenagers don’t bother to consider their parents perspective due to their rebellious nature (again not every student). Some while walking on the roads and even during crossings continue to listen to the music without even thinking how worst the consequences can turn over if something awful happens. Many students don’t bother to go outside to have a walk or spend some leisure time with their parents discussing their day rather than sticking around mobile phones.

Thus cell phone itself cannot be stated as an asset or liability but depends upon the person using it. So students should be smart enough to realize the pros and cons of cell phone and choose to use the device wisely or in end they would have to suffer because anything in excess is always bad.




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