Is Dating your Bestfriend a Crime?



Best friends that live together, and realize that they have been in love with each other for years is not a Crime.

When you are with someone who likes you entirely for who you are — and not how new or different or sexy you might be on any given day — you realize that relationships are all about the supposedly boring things that happen between the big moments. They are about feeling your best when you’re in the company of someone who cares for you.

Remember that you will also have seen him at his/her worst. You’ll be fully aware of his/her bad fashion sense, his corny jokes, and disgusting eating habits. You might even love him all the more for those quirks that you would find annoying in anybody else.

On a more serious note, as a friend, he will not only be aware of your personal weaknesses, but he will know how to respond to them in a way that is constructive to the relationship and to your desire to improve yourself.

It’s easy to take your best friend for granted — they will always be there simply because they always have been. Their love is unconditional, and that’s a kind of compassion we’re not used to receiving. So it is new and amazing when someone offers their entire heart to us on a daily basis with no expectation of compensation, and at the end of the day, we all know that kind of love is what we really need.

Although passion is important in a relationship, you want someone who still makes for good company even after the passion starts to plateau. Your best friend is there when it is least convenient for him. This type of dedication is rare.

He’ll be there to pick you up on the night when nothing has gone right and you’re left shivering in the rain. He already knows about the boys who have broken your heart, and he will make it his mission not to be one of them.

Reversely, you know about the girls who have broken his heart, so both of you will have a sense of each other’s relationships issues, and will be better prepared to deal with potential conflicts together. It sometimes takes these moments to realize how lucky you are to have a friend like this. These are the moments that lasting relationships are based off of.

Conclusion :I believe that there is something unexpectedly wonderful about dating the best friend.So if you are unsure about what to do, you should take a chance and date your best friend because sometimes the best relationships come from friendship.

 – Pratiksha Trivedi

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