Is Delhi Still Unsafe For Women?



Delhi, the heart of India, the metropolis city of our country, called “DILWALO KI DILLI” is day by day turning into a city of hard-heartened people. This capital city of our country is falling under the darkness of cruel and ruthless crimes where there seems to be no ray of light.

Anyone and everyone look forward to someday visit this city in their life, but now even the thought of this place fills our hearts with fear. You can now call this city the hub of crimes, every sort of crime be it rape, murder, acid attacks and so on starts from this city and the most frequent and easy target to crimes are the women of our country. This place was and is still continued to be the most unsafe place for women.

Nirbhaya Rape Protest

The brutality of Delhi came to light with the rape and murder of an innocent girl Nirbhaya who became an easy target of the lustful desires of some men wanting to prove their masculinity, yet from there on nothing has been done to avoid this horrifying incident from happening again, in fact women are still being targeted in some or the other way and the situation is getting even more worse. Day in and day out incidents are occurring against women, but nobody bothers or cares about that one innocent life killed without any sin, just a candle march for her unsatisfied soul. It’s become just a matter of fact to cry over it for a couple of days and then forget about it.

Who is to be blamed? The substandard minds of people, the government and its vague laws, the forces of law, the wolfish men around the place or the innocent women who are termed to be ‘Expossive’ to fall a prey to such crimes. It’s a question which arises in every heart. How can one call India a Democratic country? How can we even call ourselves free when the women of the country are living each day with fear? What is the point of such a freedom?

women safety

Surely Delhi is the hub of crimes but that does not mean that the rest of the country is safe, every part of the country is unsafe for women. Delhi is stepping towards progress and achievements but it still lacks behind in the most important thing that is the safety of the people who make up the country, especially the women who in true sense are the future of the nation. It’s time that we start saying NO to crime and YES to Safety of Women.

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Daisy Pais

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