Is Democracy for the nation, Dictatorship for oneself?


what is democracy

We live in a country where millions of people from different communities and traditions amalgamate to form a nation of rich culture and religions with deep reverence. Democracy ought to be the choice as India has shown maturity of democratic tradition in general elections. Unlike a single commander-in-chief as in the British times, we have now three heads or chiefs of staff of Army, Navy and Air force under the Minister of Defense and the president of India being the supreme commander, this balance of authority is solely to have an effective check against any kind of dictatorship in the country.


Indians have an unlimited capacity to preserve traditions from an early time; the people lack revolutionary indignation and immediate action. The toppling of a central authority is not in our blood. There seems no reasonable flood to uproot the largest and the very ancient democratic heritage of India. But are floods really reasonable? Is democracy really working here?


Democracy is fast degeneration of monocracy. People think more of their rights than responsibilities. The disrespectfulness for law is making democracy meaningless in our country. People have started to lose all sense of patriotism and honor, the basic conscience and spiritual understanding of life. Indiscipline, corruption, nepotism and bribery are manifested everywhere and at every level in India. Most leaders seem to have lost all meaning of honestly and fair play.


The new definition to run a government is now ‘to run a money making NPO’. Democracy has its own strong reasons to linger in India, but dictatorship is an exigency, a gaffe that could be bettered by it, possibly, but just in our heads. It is important to not just arraign democracy but to make it work here. Democracy is to believe in political freedom, a rule by the people as we know it. But it’s more about ruling yourself with no excuse of easy choices; it’s about the right choices with integrity and honesty. Today you rule yourself and everyone does, India could not only be the largest democracy but also a very efficient one as ‘People make a nation’ and so will democracy.



– Pranchal


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