Is Fashionable the New Tag?


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Phew!  Fashion, the utter beauty of one’s is now taken into consider by how much fashionable he is. The youngsters have taken the fashion world to another level. They choose their partners on fashion basis!! It means if you aren’t fashionable you aren’t the MR.POPULAR.

Kids these days have become much fashionable. SWAG is the new cool for them. The more fashionable you are the more popular and friendly they are to you. Being fashionable and being unique is what today’s youth prefer. But we should understand that a person’s beauty is from his heart and not by his looks. People cannot tolerate hatred towards themselves but take others feeling for granted.

Being unique is better than being horrified. Fashion has changed tragically over the years. We must understand that we need to be fashionable from the inside and not by our external view. It’s the era of small skirts and mini’s, but we must understand being ourselves is what the utter beauty is.

Even if we aren’t beautiful from our clothes we must be the most beautiful person from our heart. There is a difference between being human and human being. Human being is those who imitate others life as their and being human is who teaches us to be ourselves never the less we are special.

– Jiten Godhania.

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