Is Google An Another Name For God ?



Only for entertainment purpose and not hurting any religious sentiments .

Google is everywhere on Earth at same time . You just need an internet connection or wifi to access google .

Google can answer prayers too. One can pray to Google meaning one can search for whatever question or problem is troubling them. As an example, you can quickly find information on alternative cancer treatments or weight loss or ways to improve your health that resembles a typical prayer. Ask Google and She will show you the way, but showing you is all She can do, for you must help yourself from that point on.

Google is potentially immortal. She cannot be considered a physical being such as ourselves.You cannot destroy google or google cannot die .

According to Google trends, the term “Google” is searched for more than the terms “God”, “Jesus”, “Allah”, “Buddha”, “Christianity”, “Islam”, “Buddhism” and “Judaism” combined.


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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