Is Hockey A Dying Sport In India?


hockey team

When was the last time you were seen watching a hockey match??When was the last time any hockey team ended up being news .Did you know that there was a hockey world cup this summer. So it is true hockey is a dying sport in the country it is unfortunate for we were so good once upon a time that the brit’s lost badly because of us and decided to have a draw instead. Because they did not want to admit that we were that good! And did you know?

Hockey was introduced in India by the British. The first hockey club came up in Calcutta in 1885-86 and soon Bombay and Punjab followed suit.  It was earlier played only by the army personnel. India participated in the Olympics in 1928 and won the Gold in Hockey. India won 6 straight consecutive gold medals in Hockey till 1956. This period 1928-1956 is hence called the golden era of Indian Hockey. No Indian team till date has reached close to breaking this record. This period saw great players such as, Dhyan Chand, Balbir Singh, etc. India had in total won eight golds, one silver and two bronze medals in Olympics.

Plight of Hockey


Although after the movie Chak de india the sport did get some sort of attention from the masses but the plight of hockey still remains untouched . Since the sport does not have a wide fan base investors resort to sports such as cricket in the country that is considered a religion and that is actually a major cause of concern for the Indian hockey team for they are only dependent on support. Think of it if maybe we change our outlook towards the sport maybe hockey will have a better tomorrow.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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