Is Internship Necessary For BMS Students? 5 Reasons Why You Should Do An Internship


Is Internship Necessary For BMS Students? 5 Reasons Why You Should Do An Internship While Studying BMS!

An “internship” is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, called “interns”, to work at a firm for a fixed, limited period of time. Interns are usually undergraduates or students, and most internships last for any length of time between one week and 12 months. 

How important is it really to do an internship before applying for a job? Do you need to get the hands-on experience that is talked about when discussing the importance of internships or is it really a matter of just landing the right job?

If these questions are bothering you, here are a few reasons why you must do an internship while studying BMS.

  1. Internships will give you professional experience and skills that you won’t learn in a classroom.

In college, you are just learning theories and formulas. But in an internship, you will see this knowledge being used in real life. You gain practical knowledge which will give you the right skills and also will help you understand your BMS subjects in a better way.


  1. Gaining exposure at an internship will help you understand your interests and dislikes.

When you’re studying BMS, you have plenty of options to choose from as a career, like marketing, finance, human resources, etc. But you have absolutely no idea about what work is actually done in this field. By doing an internship, you can experience what work is done in the office. Accordingly you can make up your mind.



  1. When you go for a job interview, an Internship experience will help your resume look better and improves your chances of getting hired.

Companies hiring a graduate student for a job have to train them and teach them what is needed to be done by them. So companies prefer taking graduates with a little work experience and knowledge about how work is carried out in a business environment. So you will have greater chances of getting the job compared to someone who has no experience in the field.


  1. Internship will give you self-confidence and self-esteem which will help you prepare to enter the business world.

You will have to make presentations and submit your work and it will be evaluated by your senior heads in the office. This will give you an understanding of what is expected of you and you will gain confidence in yourself and your work. You will start feeling responsible and you will make a lot of changes in life which will benefit you in the future.



  1. You can establish contacts with your mentors and get recommendation letters when you apply for a job.

Doing an internship can help you form relationships with your heads and mentors who can further help you later in life. You can ask for a letter of recommendation and reference letters which will help you to get a good job. You can make connections and later ask for their advice and feedback which will help you perform better.


During BMS, you will get plenty of time during the semester breaks to do an internship. You can also opt for work from home internships. I suggest you must grab the chance of doing an internship and improve your chances of getting a job.





By Rhea Shetty.



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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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