Is It Essential That You Can Only Succeed If You Are From The Science Background?





Career is a very important aspect of anyone’s life.

Choosing a career in a certain stream defines the future of a student.

What career to choose after class 10th this is the biggest question that runs through every students mind once the board exams are over? Parents too continue to have sleepless nights even after the board exams are over because they worry about the career options for their children. Science is a vast field and different career options are available for students to choose from.


A point of fact, there are many students who think that they know after getting in science stream will bloom their careers, but sadly they are mistaken. Almost 80% or more people at work place feel stressed out because they are career misfits. The genesis of his problem is because of the wrong choices they make after 12th.


Students should be careful in making choice of their stream. As soon as a student reaches 10th standard, some kind of pressure of choosing a career path linger in their mind. Because by then they are at the edge of completing their school life and it is peak time to choose ones career path than ever before. Choosing a career in a particular stream or profession right at the beginning has a long lasting impact on a student’s future. It is very important for any student to choose carefully from various options available to him or her vis a vis his or her interest. In order to achieve success, one has to select the path which they like to walk on.

Every parent wants their children to get admissions in science stream. it is about reaching the corridors of the Top engineering colleges, or Top Medical colleges on the other hand there are many who are not sure about what they want to be in life ahead.

People fail to understand that, there are actually streams called commerce, arts and now recently formed management.  From this year government had coined the new stream management, which was included in commerce.

We never consider Psychologist, Journalist, Graphic Designer, Fashion Design, Professor/Lecturer , Lawyer, Economist, Anthropologist, Personal Executive, Public Relations Executive, Sociologist, Social Worker, Fashion Illustrator, Fine arts/Artist, Dancer, Photographer as a career choice.

From ages science is the choice for masses. Even I am from science stream, my sister too, studying in engineering college.

However times have changed and each stream and courses are considered beneficial to individual and the organization. People have to break away from the stereotypes, who believes a particular field would only land you a job and a career. Not all of us are same. While a financially secure job is all most us look for, there are a few of us who are just not made  for a particular stream.

Wishing you a great career and good life.





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