Is it ‘OK’ to date your best friend?


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Bollywood logic says, ‘Ek ladka aur ek ladki kabhi dost nai ho sakte’, it always goes beyond that. Hollywood logic says, why be just friends if you can be friends with benefits? But if your mind and heart are playing hide and seek trying to deal with the fact whether it is truly the right thing to date your best friend? Well we say yes.

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Like everything, the concept of dating your best friend has its own pro’s and con’s. To list down a few before I place my argument:

The facts in favour:

  • He/she knows you well, no fights on the ‘why have you changed’ and ‘tum toh aise nai the’.
  • Easier to understand why they do things in a particular way or what sort of a mindset they have.
  • You know what pisses the, off and avoid doing that without getting into a fight.
  • The small things that end up becoming ego-issues, leading to break-ups don’t exist because of the understanding you two shared prior to getting into a relationship.

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The facts against:

  • The best time of the relationship, is spent in the initial days of knowing each other, which you won’t have because its already past.
  • Getting used to the fact that he/she is not your best friend anymore, takes time to sink in and creates a lot of problems if one of the two takes a longer time to adjust.
  • The entire equation of having a best friend from the opposite sex, the bonding it gets, the exchanges you had and the masti quotient changes and it doesn’t change in a positive way.

After knowing all of this we still advise you in favour of dating your best friend. If you have known each other well and the only new quotient is the ‘love’ aspect of it then don’t feel shy to share your feelings with your best/friend. It might turn out that they feel the same way. Even if they don’t you have the safety margin of knowing them long enough to get the awkwardness past you two.

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If all works out and you start dating but it doesn’t work well still you can be the best of friends, remember Robin and Ted, from How I Met Your Mother! There are a few chances of it going the wrong way and things getting messed up, but a million ways in which the mess can be sorted. But do remember that there is that only one chance of getting your best friend as a partner for life and if you miss it and there will be no chances of sorting yourself out from that mess ever!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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