Is It True That People With Good Communication Skills Can Only Succeed In Life?


communication skills

An idea communicated in good language is highly appreciated and accepted. Acquiring mastery of language is a very long process. It is amazing to see the beauty, power and vibrancy of their word power and the style. It takes a lot of effort and real enthusiasm to develop that language skill. Listening, reading and using the language are some methods which help us to acquire the skill.

It is good to develop a simple but clear and accurate language. We need to learn the right words and techniques of sentence construction. Word help us to describe things nicely. Words often have more than one meaning and shades of meaning which changes with the context in which they are used. We must add on words to our store of vocabulary to make our communication effective and interesting. It is advisable to avoid high sounding words just to make an impression. Use the right words in simple but accurate sentences with a clear idea of making the listener understand what you try to communicate. As a speaker it is our responsibility to make things familiar to the audience.

It is not only knowledge of words that help us to communicate better, we should know how to put them together in the right order. For that we should have a good knowledge of the grammar and sentence structure. Each one can develop their own style and we can develop this style only by reading and familiarizing ourselves with how experienced writers achieve the effect, by doing this we not only expand our knowledge but add on to our word power and develop a powerful communication style.

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Saloni Shetty


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