Is Live-In-Relationship Better Than Marriage?


live in vs marriage

I’m not in favour of it nor am I against the concept of Live-in-relationship but it is surely against my thoughts regarding relationships and marriage. For me it’s about falling in love with someone with the dream of spending my entire life with that person under the bond of love and marriage. Marriage is union of two people and their families under the sacred ritual of marriage followed over centuries. On the other hand live-in-relationship is an arrangement where two people who is not married live in together in an emotionally or sexually intimate relationship for long term or on permanent basis.

Live-in relationships have been there for many years, only the focus has been shifted towards it recently. They are even more common than you can think. India getting more westernized and open minded towards these topics. In western countries children at an early age of 15-16 move out and live their life on their own. This idea is penetrating into our culture due which live in relationships is becoming more prevalent.

Is live in relationship better than marriage? Well there are many positives in live in relationship and there are plenty of reasons why people may choose live in relations over marriage. Marriage is a costly affair one needs to spend a lot of money to get into the bond of marriage, along with it come loads of responsibilities of living with someone for life, understanding each other’s needs and fulfilling them together as one. In live in relation there is no stress related to responsibilities and adjustments you just need each other’s approval to move into a house and live together and take up individual responsibility without depending on each other. There are no complications compared to kinds you have in marriages. In marriage there is no much freedom once you move in there is a certain kind of life style you need to follow and some rules of every house which has to be maintained, you cannot do things the way you desire. On the other hand live in relationship is more freedom oriented, you lead your own life. In marriage you have to stick around a person all your life whereas in here you have a chance to choose with whom you wanna live for how long, you can enjoy your freedom and keep it fresh and happy and have your personal space. Marriage involves family planning, in live in relationship you do not have to bother about having a kid or no you can just have fun.

Although there are many positives there are few negatives involved in it. In live in relationship, you may enjoy the freedom and sexual relationship for a while but later you may find the need of having a permanent relationship. And I do not think anyone will wish to live with a person who has been in a sexual relation with someone else. Mostly girls are sensitive about relationships, if they may feel the need to spend their life with the same guy with whom they were in relationship and the guy is not with the same idea it could be hard for her as there is no surety of the partner being with you for life. Although marriage requires a lot of work, at least there is surety which is more important than fun. 

The downside of live in relationship is that it is still not socially accepted in most parts of our country. Even though we have developed in our approach to life yet it’s hard to accept it in our culture. India is still not one of the friendly places for social topics like gay sex, gay marriages, live in relationship especially when a women is involved in it. It is a personal and a subjective matter which may or may not work in the society. It depends solely on the way people involved in such relationships.

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Daisy Pais


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