Is Love Marriage Better Or Arranged Marriage



Marriage is a sacred bond which not only involves the couple but also the two families of the bride and the bridegroom respectively. Be it arrange marriage or love marriage, marriage is nothing different for both. Love marriage vs arrange marriage is just a question prevalent in minds of married couples who are not satisfied or are scared to live with an unknown partner for whole life.

There is always a thought in mind that love marriages don’t last much or they are the best because of the couples understanding built before entering marriage.

But it is nothing related to the marriage type when it comes to knowing each other and understanding levels. The understanding can be built if you have faith and trust apart from flexibility among the couple.

Love marriage has the same benefits as arranged ones.

Due to the time duration of knowing each other, couples have understanding which develops during their love affair. Because of this reason, many arrange marriage couples feel the lack of time duration which forms a base for developing understanding levels.

But it is nothing like that to think about. They too develop good understanding which can be better than love marriage couples.

Conclusion :Marriage like two sides of a coin comes with advantages and disadvantages. These are not dependent on the marriage types but the partners. So married couples, stop comparing love marriage vs arrange marriage and search for new ways to develop relationship with your spouse and not sticking to the question of which type of marriage is best for you.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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