Is Marital Rape A Serious Crime?


Marital Rape


Marital rape also known as spousal rape in marriage is non-consensual sex in which the perpetrator is the victim’s spouse. It is a form of a partner rape of domestic violence or sexual abuse.
First, let us see what rape is. Rape is a type of sexual assault, usually sexual intercourse initiated by one individual against the consent of the other individual (usually woman). 

Our country, India is a place where marriage is considered as a holy relationship, which brings not only two people but two families together. We girls are always taught by our mothers how to make your in- law’s satisfied. All the women are so dedicated to make this possible when she gets married. She quits her job, changes her name, and tries to adjust in the new unknown environment. Even after doing all these things, she doesn’t deserve to lose her self-respect just because someone is forcing her to do so.

Being intimate with your partner takes time. A woman needs to rely on her husband, trust him to that extent to share something that was always hers. In India, having sex is not a small casual thing as in west. Here it’s just not about the physical relationship that she shares, actually she proves that she trusts her partner and can rely on him for rest of her life.

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Old thinking of people is that even if the wife is not ready to have sex, but the husband has the right to demand sex with his wife and that a wife must be sexually submissive to her husband in all respects.

Marital rape destroys a woman from inside. She loses her trust on her husband, she is unable to see her bright future of her marriage. The woman who has suffered this tragic event may suffer from nightmares or scary flashbacks, she may go in deep depression and also get some severe panic attack.
Because of these tragic events, a woman loses her confidence, self-respect. Her life becomes worse than a death penalty. In India for a woman, respect is more important than her life.

It is very unfortunate that a tragic event like marital rape is still not a crime in India. A research has found that almost two- third of Indian women are victim of marital rape. Every six hours, one complain of marital rape is registered.

It is high time when people need to speak against such crimes which are not considered as crime at all by traditional thinkers. Women need to be aware of their rights, if they are not happy in their marriage she has all the rights to get divorce and restart her life. Men needs to understand a woman and her feelings. A woman is a person, not an object which you can use for your pleasure, respect her decision and love her for her soul, not for her body. Forcing a girl to compel something without her will doesn’t make you a man, it makes you a coward. If you really love your woman, win her heart and just wait. She will surrender herself all by her own.

So readers…’s you to decide- is marital rape serious crime???






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