Is marriage a social trap?


After teenage, there is social, lovable and full of commitment bondage called as “marriage” which cannot be treated as a joke as it is a responsibility towards wife, children and families. So now the question arises is – is marriage a social trap..???

Marriage is a binding and bonding more of love, trust and commitments towards each other less than stress, frustration and screwing up from the partners. There are many examples where marriage can become social trap and life can become not less than hell but that also depends on a couple who are married as they should have the sense of understanding, faith, loyalty, trust, love and responsibility and even value and adore each other. But if any of them is not happy with each other or doesn’t want to marry then it can become a social trap.

Some don’t think as marriage a social trap due to the bonding and love between themselves. They respect marriage and Indian values, customs and traditions and due to this thinking they have a positive approach for marriage and they handle the situations and problems in the marriage really in a wonderful manner. It can’t be a social trap for them as they wanted to get married with the person they are happy and they are happy living together with the commitments and responsibilities fulfilled.

But there are exceptions in the rules and regulations of marriage. Take an example – In India a married wife can sue her husband and relatives with any proof. A Indian married woman can put her husband, his parents, relatives, sisters, brothers behind bars through a verbal or written complaint to police. I hope in that case it is trap where rules and laws are misused for other negative benefits.

So there are conditions where an marriage can be a social trap and it is totally depend upon the married couple how they handle their problems and bad situations in their life with great support of each other.

Hence, I conclude that-
Marriage is different for different people depending on their perceptions, understandings and trust.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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