Is MBA A Necessity Today?



Masters in Business Administration or MBA is a topic,I guess,almost everyone has talked about from past several years.The main questions revolves is that MBA really useful? How and What will MBA provide me to stand out of the crowd and make my own mark in the corporate world? and on and on.Well surely one of the best topics to debate on.

The MBA degree originated in the United States in the late 19th century when the country industrialized and companies sought scientific approaches to management. The core courses in an MBA program introduce the various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources and operations management; many programs include elective courses.

India’s estimated 3,300 business schools churn out tens of thousands of management graduates each year. But only a small fraction of them are “employable,” or possess basic skills necessary to work in sectors ranging from marketing to finance, according to an unpublished study.There are now more than 3,000 business schools in India.However,some students even claim that importance and value of MBA degree is majorly affected.


India has the largest youth population in the world and at one point graduates could be expected to walk into any MBA job. Yet after spending thousands on a business education, many Indians are struggling to find work or report salary decreases. And some find their degrees are less valuable.However,ISB(Indian School of Business) does not face any issues regarding placements of their students in Indian as well as international market.It is observed that graduates from top 50 schools encounters plentiful choices but,it does not remain the same for all graduates,as we intend go down the line.

The average salary for an MBA graduate is considerably higher than that of an employee with a regular master qualification.Graduates of an MBA programme have, due to their qualification, higher chances of obtaining and holding a high level management position. It is estimated that 70% of the MBA graduates worldwide are senior managers or board directors.This type of position brings along a higher salary but of course also a higher responsibility and longer working hours.


As an MBA graduate you have a better consolidated business network along with holistic perspective about the business world and the required skills and knowledge to do justice for the position you serve at,as long as YOU are capable of it.However,there are just three of the 3,000 Indian business schools featured in the main MBA rankings, which rate the top 100 MBA programs in the world. The U.S has more than 50; the UK has more than 10.Think about this, is MBA a necessity today in India?

– Vatsal Doshi

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