Narendra Modi Full Hd Wallpaper - (23)
After a massive win of Mr. Narendra Modi in 2014 central elections, and white wash of congress in it.  Mr. Narendra Modi has been appointed as the Prime Minister of India. Soon after his appointment the common man was pinched with the rise of rates in railway tickets. Rates of railway tickets have been raised by 14%. This has made a common man think that is MODI = CONGRESS? The hike of 14% on the ticket rates will affect the monthly overall budget of a common man.

Common man would like to ask Mr. MODI that kya ase agyege acche din?. Inflation was one of the reasons for losing the central elections of 2014, by congress. Common man had believed on the agenda of Mr. MODI of acche din ane wale hai, and the Gujarat Model presented by him. Mumbai local is the life line of Mumbai and hike in the price of it has affected the Mumbaikars till a great extent.

The commuters of 1st class in Mumbai local will have to travel in 2nd class in order to balance their household budget these will increase the rush in 2nd class, especially during pickup hours. The dream of common man has turned into a night mare. The alliance parties of BJP of NDA are against this hike in prices of tickets. BJP leaders are stating these as a necessity for the railways, as railways are facing financial loss since decades. Here it would be requested to Mr. Prime Minister to re think on the decision of hike in the rates of the tickets.

– Bhargesh Jani

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  1. Very true
    This rise in ticket fare has shaken budget of salaried class.
    If d rise was in stages it wud hav not that badly affected d pocket of commuters.

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