Is ‘Money’ The Only Motivator To Achieve Success In Life?


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What is that five letter word that drives everybody crazy? What is that is reason for all the murders and all the evils that happening everyday especially in our country? What is the biggest greed of human race today? What is that which has led into corruption in all the sections of the society? It is nothing but MONEY which is not only a requirement to meet all our needs but agreed so that we get a little extra and live a better life. It is money that has proved human being is a selfish animals as every human wants a little more of it. Money is the thing that brings a shine in all our eyes when we see it. Though money has brought in lot of corruption and other evils at the same time money is used for good things. It is thing with which a poor will get food to eat at least once in a day. It is used as a blessing on all good occasions and it is that thing which is useful not only has a smile on the homeless but also some good wished a good luck from them. Actually it is not money that is and it is the humans’ greed which has made money the devil today.

The question here is can money alone be the driving force for a person to achieve something in life? Or Can Money alone motivate us? The answer to it is a ‘NO’ let us explain this with a very simple example we can get everything with money but can We buy love with money? No right? It is your nature the love you give and your passion for the person which alone can get you love not money….

All our millionaires today Bill Gates, Ambani, Tata do you think all predicted that we are going to be successful and rich was Money their Motivator ? It was their determination and hard work top achieves success for what they are today and not money? Money is the end result of everything not a motivator

Sachin Tendulkar the legend or God of cricket is also a millionaire today. It was not money that motivated him to become what he is today. It was his passion and craze for cricket that has motivated him though money maybe an additional motivator but not a motivator all by itself.

The last and the example which we all can connect with is an employee at work. Is he motivated to work only because of money? It is his determination, his hard work and moreover the appreciation that he receives as a reward that motivates him to work. So Money alone is not a motivator.

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