Is Mugging Up the Only Way To Study?


India has a respectful place in the globe when it comes to studies. Clearing the examinations held in the country over the years have been a solid task for the candidates. They just have to sit on the desk from day one and start from the scratch and go on and on and on with their books till the examinations terminate. Even after all this effort, there is not a cent percent guarantee whether you may come out with flying colors or not. So basically, its not less then a challenge for students over the country. And inspite of all this, only the almighty know if the matter of the syllabus has reached deep inside your head. So studying is always been marked upon to be a tedious job for the students. When they don’t find enough time or space to handle the pressure of concept, they go for another methods of getting through the exams, which generally people call, ‘cheating’ or ‘copying’. And then the axe is broken, the students go behind the boundaries, they follow the wrong paths, all of which results to academic failure in one or the other sense.


Now coming towards the basic idea of education, why it was implemented and for what is it carried out. Traditionally, the sages or the saints used to bestow their blessing to their fellow students and used to make them learn war tactics, ayurveda, etc. This was then followed by the coming generations and now it has emerged into a huge mode of business. Sad to know that people nowadays are being educated just for a good placement or a better spouse. The actual motive of education is to learn from the academics, the laws and principles, which may come handy in near future for one’s own interest.


Coming towards the different mindsets of studying, 

Ways to Study:

1. Mug Up and get into the merits for the coming examinations.

2. Understand the concept and remember it for years to come.


Now, majority of people over the town, will always go for option 1, as they are just concerned about their marks. The only things that matter to them is nothing but degree. And when we ask them the reason for mugging up, the replies are even more horrified!

“The syllabus topics are pointless and won’t help us in future at all.”

– So from when did we have critics in education as well?


“We don’t get time to understand each and every concept.”

– These people probably have bookings with Prime Ministers of different nations daily.

“Everyone does that, why don’t we?”

– We just saw another bunch confused souls, who may never be able to make a decision on their own.


Now if these people come out with a positive score in exams, this pattern will be forwarded by these people to their proceeding generations and which will result to unwanted turmoil. And by any means, they are not been able to excel in any case, again the ball will fall in the Education Ministry’s court, as they will be adjudged as the culprits for keeping such a vast syllabus or setting such difficult question papers. The efficiency is definitely going down because of this mugging pattern, it is leading towards the making of unskilled craftsmen and under ability employees.


So what did we learn today? Mugging up may help you in a short run, but to ripe the long term benefits, you will have to get drowned completely into the subject and make the best out of it.

​(wise lines, ain’t they?)

– Parth Dedhia

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