Is Nationalism Communism in Disguise?



Not that I am a follower/supporter of RSS, BJP Or Congress, but there is one thing I have always admired about the RSS and its political wing BJP. I have been a huge supporter of their Ideology, something that has been misrepresented for long to gain political advantage by rivals.

RSS has a simple mission of “selfless service to motherland” and has always functioned on the motto of “India First”. Being its political wing, BJP is no exception. India First literally means INDIA first and not Hindus/Hinduism first or Muslims/Islam first or Christians/Christianity first! It clearly means that the priority of the group is our motherland, our country- our India and its development.  This philosophy clearly refuses to keep any community, including Hindus, above national interest. But this nowhere means that they hold hard feelings for any community as such. They hold hard feelings only for beings/organizations that are not patriotic and intend to harm the country.

Often dubbed as communal and anti-Muslim, RSS and BJP in reality have always been against only the extremists that intend to harm the India in the name of Islam/Islamic Jihad. Having said that, it must also be noted that BJP and RSS have never supported or encouraged and activities related to saffron terrorism.

RSS and BJP are the organizations that put country and its welfare above any and every community, which has often been misrepresented as being communal. They are strong supporters of national integration and the welfare of every citizen if India, no matter if it’s a Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or anybody else. But yes, if you are found guilty of being involved, either directly or indirectly in any activity that is harmful for the country, then you are condemned, on an individual level.

As simple as it gets! Condemning miscreants on an individual level for an individual’s situation that is, nowhere targeting the entire community or religion. It is about being strongly against the people who harm the country in the name of religion and not the religion itself!

As I conclude this article, I would say that I see nothing wrong if any organization-political, social, cultural or corporate- keeps the welfare of the country above any religion or community, it’s called being nationalist, not communalist.

The philosophy that they follow is very simple: “Anyone and everyone who is patriotic” is our friend, no matter what community or religion he/she belongs to. While “anyone and everyone who intends to harm the country” is our enemy, again, irrespective of gender, community or religion. It is a simple philosophy by a social and political organization to keep national interest above everything else. That is being Nationalist, not Communalist!

– Rupali Tyagi


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