Is Online Dating Destroying True Love?


 online dating

Love, the purest and the best feeling any human on earth can ever experience. If being on earth one has experienced love the person’s life is considered to be accomplished. This is such a feeling which every human thirst for lifelong and love only doesn’t mean a feeling towards the opposite but to any person, animal or a thing. It can be towards anyone and anything.

  Love cannot be destroyed, it can be misinterpreted and misused. The world today even after so much of evils of selfishness, cheating, Murder, Physical abuse and many other evils, is still a place to live in because of the feeling of love that somewhere still exists in every heart somewhere. Love can change a heart of stone. It can turn thorns into roses. It can bring life into the lifeless. It can do everything and anything but only when it is Love and not love for a reason or benefit.

   Such a love is the Love that a Mother has for her Child, is the most selfless of all love. It is the One which only gives without the expectation of receiving back. A mother from the time she conceives her baby in the womb dedicates her entire life to her Child right up to her last breath, spends every moment only loving her child limitlessly and selflessly through the every way she can.

   This article is about what love is now, Love today is totally becoming technologically oriented. Meaning it has got materialized through online social sites such as Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp and and so on. It has to somewhere become business but not in bad heed but a service to those who find it difficult when it comes to love. Online dating has helped some to find their true soul mates but at the same time has misused it behind the name of love. As said earlier love cannot be destroyed but can be misused through online dating wherein through social networking sites people have met which has resulted into bed of roses for some while for some it has turned out to be a bed of thorns. Online dating is used in a wrong way under the name of love for physical and mental abuse by many which has changed lives of many but at the same time has been fruitful to many helping them find their perfect life partner.

    So Online Dating is not bad nor is it ruining love but the motive behind online Dating can be wrong. So one must question oneself in order to avoid falling prey into the bad motives of online dating. Love is the most sacred feeling. Give love and make the world a better place to live in.

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