Is scaling down internal marks really required for BMS?


Mumbai University has passed an ordinance wherein students scoring 20% higher marks in internal assessments than in external exams will have the ‘excess’ marks cut from their semester results. A circular was sent to all colleges early this week.

The regulation will come into force in the current academic year itself.

Mumbai University  had randomly selected three colleges — Lords Universal college, Prakash College and Gokhale Education Society — to probe the allegations  after the 2011-12 exams. It first introduced the 40:60 (internal:external)  formula in TYBCom. Irregularities were found in Lords and Prakash College mark sheets.

Though the academic council had devised the “scaling down” formula in April this year, the university endorsed it through  Regulation 8668 only last week.

Colleges and departments have advised teachers to be strict while granting marks in internal assessments.

Internal assessments, also known as comprehensive and continuous evaluation (CCE), carry 40:60 weightage in the credit-based semester system.

Many professors in the BMS fraternity felt this is injustice for BMS students who are good in their presentation and communication skills. Just because few colleges were irregular in their marks system, it doesn’t mean that more than 100 colleges should be punished for the same.

The scaling-down policy  will affect the grading of BMS students in the final year when results of all semesters would be taken into consideration.

Many students echoed saying that the rule should have been informed to them in the start of the academic year (June-July) itself. With just a month for exams, it is very difficult for us to cope up with the theory exams.

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