Is the Caste System needed now?


Yesterday, talking to a friend in the evening, I came across this topic.

One of the most sensitive and Controversial topic ever. But I wished to talked about it more. Caste system the oldest drawback which continues till date in various parts of India as well as various sectors of the economy.

I don’t wish to get into any controversy and I know many of us don’t talk about it but sharing your views isn’t a wrong thing.

Now let me ask you, How many of you are satisfied of this reservation in education, employment and in other sectors for people in the name of Caste? Many of you who don’t fall under this reservation won’t like it, but it is a fact that people falling under this term CASTE enjoy many privileges.

Caste system according to me should be ended as soon as possible. See when we don’t let caste affect the friends we make, why should it affect one’s success. For me its just a barrier in my way and no matter how hard I would try I can’t overcome it.

Okay, I agree that previously caste system was to some extent a must as people were ill-treated due to low caste and all, but now when every one enjoys an equal right, Do we still need it? Why can’t we have it out of our system?

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Ganesh Kamath

Hello, this is Ganesh Kamath. I am a TYBMS student. I am a friendly guy, love to make new friends. I love being simple and realistic. Here to share to my views and to learn more about the outside world. I hope and except you help me with this. :)


  1. hiiiiiiiiiii

    i rer your thinking about the caste system…..i would like to stop the all reservations but… you know if i am saying stop the caste or destroy the all caste….then why people dont do…..and this is big problem and questions in front of the world….if the people agree to destroy their caste ….then nobody will demand for the reservations……

    so think first to destroy Ur and others caste…people will go ahead……

    padega india tabhi to badhega india…….

  2. If you say to destroy the castisam,it means you indirectly say’e that destroy the various type of culture’s in INDIA.B’coz of which an INDAI proudly say’s “SARW-DHARM-SAMBHAW”????
    and listen
    this system is started from anciant time….at that time INDIA was “GOLDEN BIRD”.Creating and destroying is in Human’s hand.
    The primary reason of today’s INDIA is people like U.who always think to destroy other or other’s.But never think to creat.
    R U Satishfie?

  3. friend, sarvadharma samabhav means all religions should be respected equally. i specially wrote this for the caste reservation in education and job sector…. and not destroying religion personally..

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