Is The Indian Society Judgmental Towards Working Women?


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We all have that one friend who manages to get through the day without being pestered on the phone for their parents are working and they don’t have enough time to keep a tab on their children and if these kids happen to misuse their freedom the blame game begins and finally the parents especially the mother ends up being the culprit for if she was a homemaker circumstances would have been different.

This happens to be an ideology that yet prevails in the society. Hence, the story happens to be true the society to an extent is judgmental towards working women. It is unfortunate in a way for it is this segment of the society who slogs the most think of it : An average day for a working women would be  getting up early in the morning, handling daily chores in a household, run their own errands, handle office pressure and what do they get in return unequal treatment in workplace, guilt of not being there for their kids when they needed them the most.

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Do they really deserve it?? What one fails to understand is that you and me happen to be a part of the same society that we are talking about  and since we don’t seem to have any magic wand in order to change one’s opinion what we could do is try and influence their opinion with a message of empathy?

What would one do in case they were in their position and if that also doesn’t work why bother instead show a token of gratitude to all  the working mothers for it is one spark that starts a fire and here a ray of hope for all working mothers.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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