Is The Relationship ‘Ship’ Sinking These Days???


What would be the first thing that would crop up in your mind when asked about ‘Relationships’? Well, it would surely be the typical ‘Love is in the air’ moment that would strike your mind; a young couple sitting by a beach when the sunset somehow manages to create an aura with its golden rays around them. The irony here is that I just had this beautiful dream while writing this piece in my balcony and watching the mesmerising sunset, with cold breeze blowing through my hair. Or I would rather say that I just had a ‘Love is in the air’ moment.

I hope that you are not lost in your world of fantasy. Give a quick thought about the relationships in today’s world. It somewhere begins on a social networking site and ends there itself. It is a world where ‘comments’, ‘likes’, ‘tweets’ and ‘status’ are in the air rather than ‘Love is in the air’.

A relationship should be based on mutual consent, co-ordination among the two and to top it all, there should be ‘respect’. A woman is always adhered to understand a man, while a man is adhered to take care of his lady by showering his love on her after a long tiring day. This usually helps to strike a balance in a relationship and helps it grow four folds.

With the advent of globalisation, the world is moving at a faster pace than ever before, which can at least permit one Sunday evening spent on a candle light dinner with your beloved. Technology has made long distance relationships possible, but it can grant a license to meet your partner once in a while. Couples now-a-days lack transparency and restrict themselves sharing talks with each other, but would rather prefer to post their personal feelings on social networking websites.

Love should be strong enough to overthrow all the insecurities and jealousies, bringing in sparkles of hope, faith and loyalty to each other.

Not to forget that technology has helped many find true love, but writing a letter to your beloved once in a blue moon would add a cherry on your cake baked out of love.


– Urvashi Shah


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