Is The Teaching Field A Great Career Option For Students Today?


Inspirational phrase for teacher appreciation

Did anyone of us ever think of pursuing teaching as a career? I’m sure many of us like to learn but does anyone love to teach? Teaching needs a lot of commitment and comes with lots of responsibilities.

Teaching is surely an art which does not dwell in all. It is a sense of sharing knowledge and experience. Young people do not want to pursue this because of low remuneration and high degree of dedication and work load. People usually want to become engineers, doctors, entrepreneurs etc but you will find very less young people who have an interest in teaching and want to pursue it as their career.

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Well, for obvious reasons teaching needs lots of skills to deal not only with their students but also the administration, curriculum, management of school/college they teach in. People usually blame Indian education system as worthless and of no practical use. Although, that’s true only to a certain level  as the system values students by their grades and not by the amount of knowledge he/she possesses in a particular subject.

Teachers are being told over and over again that their job is not to teach, but to guide students to learn on their own. Well, I’m  totally in favor of self-learning  but I also remember teachers whose knowledge and experience helped me to become a better student and a better person.


Teachers play a major role in prosperity of our country. Let me tell you how. Teachers are the one who shapes us in our schools/colleges and give us their knowledge that we later use it in our life. India, with the largest youth population ever in the world can lead the path of prosperity by providing the youth proper and practical knowledge, which is the job of teachers. I therefore, feel that many young people do not dare to take up this challenge by pursuing teaching as a career!

– Vatsal Doshi

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