Is There A Distinction Between Your Dreams And Goals?



What goes around comes around and that’s the basic principal Karma is based upon isn’t it? then why at times do we en up feeling hurt and depressed when things didn’t turn out the way we expected them to?

All those amazing dreams you had and wanted to fulfill were there none that came true? Dreams come true and so do Goals and Ambitions, we have this habit of classifying the  Dreams on a academic or professional front as Goals or Ambitions and those on a personal front as Dreams but is there really a difference, is a question you need to ask yourself!


Do want the man of you are in love with to reciprocate your love any lesser than you want to get into an IIM? or maybe do you want success at your work place any less than your father feeling proud of you? there can be a distinction based on your priorities in life, but my line of thought says that we live only once so why not give equal priority and put in the same amount of efforts for everything that is dear to us?


A dream of partying at Vegas won’t come true unless you get that huge pay check which obviously will come post your IIM MBA. That MBA will have you earning your father’s pride and hey do you plan to go alone to Vegas? won’t you want to make that trip with the man you are head over heels in love with?

All of them are eventually connected and have an equal valuation in your life. Well, not everything turns out just that way; sometimes the time line is a little rigged and at times somethings just don’t fall in your lap… that’s life, that’s uncertainty and that’s destiny, but do we stop trying just because the risks are high?


Don’t live because you have to, don’t dream if you don’t plan on having them fulfilled. Work hard and keep doing that, unless you have the sense of fulfillment from withing; fulfillment so deeply satisfying that even if you don’t succeed you know you tried your best and that is what matters in the end.

Living life as you like to isn’t so difficult; you just need a little courage to have audacious dreams and the willingness to fight the world to achieve them, worth a try? 

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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