Is Too Much Online Socialising Among Teens Really Good?



In modern day world, the social networking life is much important than real life for youngsters. When I was in school, there was only ORKUT which we used to know as a social networking site. We were all fond of Orkut and always used to talk about Orkut testimonials and chit chat a lot about friends Display pictures. Those days, the age criteria to open an Orkut account was 18 and above but still we managed to have 1 account in Orkut and enjoyed making friends through the social networking site. In the last 4-5 years, the world has changed drastically and there are many social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Skype where you can connect with people all over the world and stay in touch. People have really forgotten their real lives as they are too busy with updating a status and changing their photos on social networking sites.

Few years ago, the student’s schedule was waking up in the morning, then go to school, come back, take rest, go to play, read and study, have food and sleep. But nowadays the “PLAY” factor is missing as I am seeing a lot of children in my colony itself who are too busy with their mobiles chatting with friends or playing online games. I am so surprised to see that even a 10 year old child has a smartphone, I got my first phone when I was 17 :p

I am not against using social networking sites but my only concern is that children or youngsters these days are spending their whole day surfing on Facebook or chatting on WhatsApp. It is very important to decide our priorities in life. I travel in train and I see so many people using WhatsApp. The girls talking about their crushes’ display pictures with some other girls and gossiping. Shouldn’t there be a limit to something? Is social networking so important that we have to breathe every minute and talk only about what people are doing on Facebook or Twitter?

There is so much of cybercrime these days. There are cases where girls are blackmailed which leads to suicides and depression. My simple suggestion for every teenager is do use these websites wisely. Do not accept any unknown friend request. Do not upload your pictures without privacy. These websites are good. They surely help you to stay in touch with your family, friends and relatives but do not misuse the facility. Everything done should be in limits. So try everything and enjoy every phase of life.


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Shritika Vardhan
hello..I am shritika a second year BMS student .


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