Is Your House All Messier And Untidy? Use These 7 Tips To Effectively Declutter Your Home


Declutter Your Home

A home speaks about your character, a messy home can say a lot about your lifestyles and your way of thinking. Messier rooms are a sign of procrastination and lack of cleaning habits. A clean house promotes clarity and a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation and freshness of air. That is why it is very essential to keep your house as clean as possible. I agree, it’s not easy to keep the house spick and pan all the time, work and loads of responsibilities prevent us from keeping our homes clean. I love cleaning; I do not even start my work before cleaning up the area where I am sitting. I feel it best when my things are organised and when I can easily fetch it whenever I want.

Messier house creates irritation, waste of time to search for things and an unhealthy atmosphere. Home is where your heart lives and I’m sure you would not like to keep your heart in a messy and untidy place. For anyone looking for decluttering, these are the tips to get started.

  1. Start small

With the enthusiasm of cleaning the entire house in a day, we do not even clean a single thing. It is because it makes us tired. It is better to start small. Pick up one room per day may your bedroom first, then living room and then the kitchen. Focus on one room at a time and finish it completely without leaving anything to clean later. 

  1. Work in chunks

You cannot eat just once in day and say that you’re full; you need to eat at least thrice to fill your stomach. Similarly as you cannot clean everything in a single day it’s better to do your work in chunks. For instances, you can first begin with cleaning your wardrobe and all the other cupboards at home. Once you can done with these you can go further with your other cleaning.

  1. Find a proper place for each of your things

Cleaning involves organising. Find a proper place to keep all the things where you can find it whenever you need it. For instances, keep all the books on the book shelf, your documents in a proper file, your clothes in the cupboard and your accessories on the dressing table. This way you will find all your things in their respective places.

  1. Segregate wanted and unwanted things

Segregate all wanted and unwanted things while cleaning your stuff. Keep the wanted things back in place and prepare a box to put in all the unwanted things to dispose off.

  1. Keep it neat

Once that you have segregated your things keep it back in place neatly. Cleaning does not mean just removing unwanted things; it means keep your things properly.

  1. Check for things before disposing anything

Often with the enthusiasm of cleaning our clutter we may just ignore the important things like our documents or any other things which may be dear to us. It’s important to check your things well before you dispose it off. Ask everyone’s consent before throwing away their things or you will end in a mess but more bad than your home.

  1. Keep the process on

Once that you have organised your house it’s not going to remain clean forever. So in order to keep it clean you need to clean it regularly. Cleaning everyday will not put the burden of cleaning the entire thing once and for all.


Cleaning is not that difficult and dirty as we think, in fact it’s overwhelming when you see that your house is looking beautifully organised. These tips won’t get your house cleared just in a day, cleaning requires time and patience. Over time you may get the hook of it and you will automatically get the habit of keeping your stuffs organised.

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Daisy Pais