Islamic SMS – SMS in Urdu, SMS in English – New SMS


Islamic SMS - SMS in Urdu, SMS in English - New SMS


Islamic SMS

1. Do not let your sins silence your heart
from calling out to your Lord.
No matter how much you have sinned,
come back to the most Merciful,
the most Forgiving Rabb

2. Respect the old
when you are young.
Help the weak
when you are strong.
Forgive the fault
when you are right.
because one day in life
you may be OLD, WEAK, & WRONG..!!

3. Extending one hand to help somebody has more value, than joining two hands for a prayer!

4. When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is – remember the teacher is always quiet during a test!

5. To speak to Allah,
no breath is lost.
To walk with Allah,
no strength is lost.
To wait for Allah,
no time is lost.
So trust in Allah
and you will never be lost..!!

6. Prayer is a 24 hour open line to God.
No handset required;
No SIM Card problem;
No network or signal error;
No battery or charging issues;
And above all, no billing.
So make PRAYER a habit like Texting!

7. As you breathe right now,
another person takes their last.
So stop complaining and learn to
live your life with what you got.

8. Asking for FORGIVENESS regularly:
From God
From others
And from your own self cleanses us!

9. Only Allah knows the contents of our hearts.
May the Almighty Allah purify,
cleanse and nourish our hearts with faith,
patience and love.

10. The most merciful person
is the one
who forgives when
he is able to take revenge..!!





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