ISO 9000


Quality standards recognized at the global level is called ISO 9000. It is developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and provides common standard of products and services worldwide. The ISO 9000 series of standards have been adopted by more than 100 countries.


In India we have BIS 14000 which is equivalent to ISO 9000. At present, developed nations prefer to import from the suppliers who have obtained ISO 9000 certification to their products. Such companies adhere to strict quality control norms. They have better opportunities to export as compared to other countries which have not secured this certification.


ISO 9000 is essentially a mark of quality assurance. Lengthy procedure needs to be followed for obtaining ISO 9000 certification. Indian companies with ISO 9000 certification do maintain good quality standards and in their case quality inspection from EIC is not required. This benefit is similar to the convenience given to export worthy units. Many Indian companies have, now, obtained ISO 9000 certification for their product.


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