Iso-profit line in graphical solution in LPP. (Oct 2006)
Iso-profit line is the line which represents the optimal solution point in graphical solution. The slope of the line is calculated from the Objective function.
If the objective function is Z = 20×1 + 30×2, slope will be calculate as below.
Convert the equation such that x2 is on one side and all remaining values are on the other side.
Z = 20×1 + 30×2
30×2 = Z – 20×1
x2 = Z/30 – (20/30) x1
The co-efficient of x1 is the slope of the line.
Hence, slope is – 20/30 = – 2/3.
The negative sign indicates that the line slopes from left to right downwards. 2/3 indicates for every 2 cm on Y axis, it has 3 cm on X axis.