Issues facing Brazil 2014


With the Fifa World Cup,barely 8 days away,all the global superstars will descend on to samba land,with the carnivals and lively culture . But the Brazilian public is unhappy with the Fifa World Cup being hosted due to poverty and exploitation being rampant in South America’s largest country .


Here are some of the issues facing the public –


  1. Education and health – Brazil was awarded the Fifa World Cup in 2014,and have spent 11.7 billion dollars on the World Cup and 4 billion alone on refurbishment of stadiums . Protestors argue saying massive debt has accumulated for the country.wdwda


  1. Security – Brazil has a very high homicide rate of 22 or 27 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants . Drug trade and alcoholism are the major perpetrators . Brazil is a heavy importer of cocaine,arms and marijuana employed by criminals are mostly locally produced .ewdewdewd


  1. Rising Inflation –  The inflation rate in Brazil was recorded at 6.28 percent in April of 2014 . The main components of  the consumer price index are food,alchol and tobacco,transport,real estate,health care,clothing ,communication and education . On a monthly basis,prices rose 0.92 percent as a severe drought raised food cost .


  1.  Ratings of Key Leaders


Brazilians give President Dilma Rousseff dismal ratings for her handling of key issues, with only a third or less  saying they approve of the way she is handling corruption,crime,health care,public transportation,education,foreign policy,preparations for the World Cup,poverty and the economy . Yet,despite these low marks ,Rousseff is viewed more favorably than her challengers in this October’s presidential election .


 -Shlomoh Divekar

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