“It all depends on how clear you are in what you want!” says Namrata Biliye, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, MCC College

Interview with Namrata Biliye, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, Mulund College of Commerce.
Q.1 How does it feel to be a topper in university exams? 
Whom will you credit for success ? 
What is your success mantra?
A. It is a dream come true for me.It is the most cherished moment which brings SMILES.
     There are too many people to be thanked without whom this success doesn’t have any charm. First and foremost to start with I would thank the Principal of our college Dr. Mrs. Parvathi Venkatesh who always inspired us to thrive excellence and nothing less. My special word of thanks to my Coordinator Mrs. Seema Ashar and all my Professors for their constant guidance, cooperation & support that has always kept me going ahead.
I thank the almighty for giving me all the strength & patience to work.
Then, I would like to acknowledge the people who mean the world to me, my PARENTS, my GRANDPARENTS & my UNCLE & AUNTIES. I cant imagine my life without their love & blessings. I consider myself luckiest In the world to have such a supportive family standing behind me with their eternal love.
Lastly I would like to thank all my dear friends who are my actual stress busters !
Success mantra – “It all depends on how clear you are in what you want!”
Q.2. Did you prepare any time table and plz share your study strategy/ exam tips to crack each subject of Sem 5?
A. No I never had any fixed time table.
My study strategy was firstly to take prelims seriously and prepare for it just like boards !
Secondly while preparing for the boards do study but also make sure you entertain yourself . It could be by playing games, reading etc.
Well my happened to be playing Candy crush ! Laughs !
Q.3. Do you think bms students need coaching classes or is self study enough ? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject? 
A. It depends from individual to individual as per the grasping power.
But in my case, I was blessed to have excellent teachers who fixed all the concepts in my brain so well that self study was enough for me.
Q.4. What was your specialization subject ? What did you opt for it? 
A. My subject was Special Studies in Finance.
I opted for it because firstly it was a practical subject and secondly I didn’t  wanted to add 1 more theory subject on my syllabus.
Q.5. Can you list textbooks you referred for all the subjects ?
A. Hrm- Ashwathapa and rishabh publications
FM and SSF- vipul publications
Logistics & service sector – rishabh
I also referred to our professors notes.
Q.6. Which was your worst paper? Why? Which was your best paper? Why?
A. Worst was FM because it was too unpredictable and confusing.
And best was HRM.
Q.7. Today we often come across students committing suicide our of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this ? Did you use any special techniques for stress management ?
A. Board exams is an unnecessary created hype by students themselves. Yes it is important, but not at the cost of your health and surely is not the end of the world.
Things would be easy if you treat board exams just like your normal exams where you prepare well and cut all the tensions. If you are not prepared it brings tension which in turn creates depression and leads to negative thoughts. Only solution is prepare yourself well and enjoy in the process.
My special technique for managing my stress was I prepared well for the exams and kept myself happy in the process.
Q.8. The black book project contributing a significant part of percentage, please share experiences you had during preparation of project and how has it benefited to you?
A. The black book project for me was the best experience. My topic was very interesting and so I was able to pour my heart out on working on it. For gathering primary and secondary data I could get realistic experience of the corporate world.
Q.9. Did you pursue any additional courses, internships alongside bms? What are your future plans ?
A. No I did not perceive any additional course or internship alongside bms.
Regarding future plans I would surely do post graduation in finance.

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