It Is Good To Pamper Yourself Sometimes


We all love being pampered and most of us love pampering others. Pampering others or yourself is a sign of your liking, loving or feeling affection for a person. In the similar manner, we sometimes should take the time out to pamper ourselves as loving yourself is a good thing to do. Pampering oneself is all about making oneself feel loved and feel good. There are so many times where we always keep doing things for others and our career we thought little about ourselves. When we are young we study hard so that we make our parents happy. When we grow up we earn so that we can take care of our parents. When we grow up and have a family it is all about sacrificing for the family when we will try to keep ourselves happy then.

There comes a time in your life when you feel totally broken and alone and all you want is someone to understand you at such times you need to take a break from this busy life of yours and really work hard for it. There comes a time when you give up all the bullshit and just think about yourself because people haven’t valued you much and you definitely deserve better. When you start acting selfish and say no to people who don’t give a damn about you that’s when people point out and say you are being rude, you are being mean, how can you be so selfish. I am sure this has happened with you some point in time. And thus you know how it feels to take up a stand and just be your own support system.

There are many things that you could do to feel good and to pamper yourself:-

  1. Leave everyone’s problem aside and just think about yourself.

We human beings often get involved into people’s problems and get so engrossed into making things work in their life that we forget to get things sorted in our lives. We too need a break. We cannot always be a problem solver and just mind outer peoples business we have our problems as well. It is always good to just leave everybody aside and just relax and think about yourself. It is good to think about your future goals and ambitions.

  1. Leave everyone and count your money and go shopping.

Like I said before leave everyone and just forget everybody and everything. Count all the saved up cash you have and go shopping. If needed jot down all the things you need for your own self and all the things that you always wanted to buy. Prepare a list it really helps a person to do so. Shopping normally for girls is a quicker and a faster remedy it makes them forget all the things that you had in mind and just focus on clothes. Shopping isn’t an easy task actually you need experts to really shop well.

  1. Go to the parlour beautify yourself.

This is one thing that women do without fail and is the second best thing after shopping. Going to the parlour includes beautifying yourself and relaxing yourself. A range of things you could do with reasonable rates are eyebrows, upper lip, facial bleaching, clean up, hair spa, back polish haircut and hair colour you could do so much more in just one parlour it will definitely be relaxing. One should always try to keep calm and relax a bit.

  1. Go for a mini vacation and get yourself refreshed.

Pampering yourself also means making yourself happy. What more could happiness be than going for a good mini vacation to a far off place where you don’t need any body. Getting yourself refreshed by going a place like Goa is definitely an icing on the cake both for boys and for girls. This is one place where you can chill with booze and babes and also enjoy fresh air and a good environment.



  1. Go trekking-

Trekking is the best way of exercise and that feeling of exploring nature and mother earth as also not knowing what is there in front of us. Sometimes life gets too predictable while you go for a trek you don’t really know what is coming your way and so you need to try adventure not the dangerous ones, but a little adventure doesn’t seem as bad as it sounds.

  1. Go driving and eating

Sometimes the least expensive thing you could do is go driving and eating. It is definitely better than drinking and driving. While you need a break from all the drama and tension you can do one little thing that is go for a long drive in your car and go to close by places like lonavla or matheran. Long drive just to relax yourself and feel good. This is one thing that you cannot get bored off. Food makes you happy well for most of the food lovers and foodie eaters.  You will never get bored to eat at different places different foods and new delicious dishes. Be it north or south every part of the country has lovely food to offer. By exploring places you will see a different environment all together which will free you out from the boredom and tensions of life.

  1. Exercise and lifestyle change.

Exercise and life style changes too helps you impact your life. Sometimes when you exercise and have good nutrition food it makes you feel good. And feeling good is a part of pampering yourself. It is also a good habit which will only make you have a good life. You will never be bored of having a change in your lifestyle and having a different environment all together.

  1. Go to the spa

This is the ultimate thing that people do. A spa session makes you feel a lot more pampered. As getting yourself a good massage with good expensive oils that sooth your body and relax yourself is a very good thing.

  • Carren Bryne.


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