It’s A Rainy Affair and You Better Beware!



We all love the rains but that does not include the ’ wannabe muck gutters’ YES, I am talking about the wipeout moment when you are drenched top to bottom with muck or an encounter with a viral flu…Not everything is all so good with the rainy season. Here are few tips to survive the season without a hassle

1] Water proof your essentials:

Gone are the days where you flaunt your cotton totes and flip-flops it is time to revamp your wardrobe this monsoon use waterproof bags unless you want to see a DIY version of a what one can call a’ bag flood’. Foot wear:-Use firm gripped footwear in order to prevent you from giving frequent floor hugs.

And lastly please use water proof make up to avoid an alarmed reaction on recognition by everybody

2] Avoid puddles:


AS humans we are taught to look straight and walk but open manholes are a perfect explanation for why one can’t afford to do so because down there is no Alice in wonderland experience and a life hack here is to walk tangent to the puddle

3] keep yourself hydrated

 drink water

Water?? Yes, one might wonder about the importance of being hydrated during the rains. But actually sweat does not evaporate quickly as the humidity levels are high and this prevents the body from releasing heat. Therefore, keeping a bottle of water handy is always advisable also if water is boring you could go for a hot cuppa ginger or lemon tea for they are rich in antioxidants that keep monsoon ailments at bay

4] Mosquito repellants


Ever seen a hit commercial where one can understand the importance of a mosquito. Do you know that there are mosquito repellent apps that you could use in order to prevent mosquito bites to an extent apart from that there are other anti mosquito  aids to the rescue like creams –odomos; oil of lemon eucalyptus; electronic repellents like all out.

5] For the motorist …

It doesn’t mean that you stop travelling if it is pouring. Unfortunately hibernation is not a privilege that we humans are entitled to. However if you do happen to use your own means of transport under any circumstances please do over speed because you will end up creating an action still in reality that could be fatal. Also Use the road less traveled by (during the dry season) as floods make it difficult to differentiate pot holes from “gutters” and “canals”.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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