Its all about Loving your Parents….!


I always believe that the unforgettable memories are those which are close to our hearts, and the following article is based on those characters which are in my heart. It was my parents visit to UK in Oct 2008. I was working with British Telecom at Milton Keynes, UK, it was already six months when I was away from my family and home, so naturally was missing them all badly.

Being youngest and naughtiest of the three, I always felt that I got a special attention J. But now though I am grown-up I still say ‘Aaje Pan Tamaari Aangadi Pakdi
Hoon Chaalva Maangu Chu…’

I was so excited to know that my parents would be with me this Diwali. This news made sure that my House would be turned into Home at least for 2 weeks. I was desperately waiting to go to Heathrow Airport and see their glimpse. At Last!!! The moment was so special that we three did not even bother of the security; we just hugged each other in the middle of the airport. As any other parent they were always proud seeing their child working abroad, and over that meeting him in that country was even more joyful and proud moment. I could easily see the smile behind those tears.

The Most Beautiful Thing In This World Is To See Your Parents Smiling & The Next Best Thing Is To Know That You Are The Reason Behind That Smile-:-)

Next day I took them to show my office, Dad’s pat-on-the-back could not be forgotten ever. Due to time limit and famous British weather I could not take them to Scotland however took them to Wollaton Safari Park, an open Zoo and Balaji Temple (Birmingham). We had some lovely moments which are still fresh in my mind. Then came Diwali, we invited all of my friends for dinner, it was a special moment for everyone, my UK friends thanked my parents as for a day at least it was home away from home for them.

The biggest event was yet to come that’s taking them to London on a weekend. We visited each corner of London right from London Bridge to Buckingham Palace etc etc. I remember always fighting with my friends not to take a ride of London Eye with them, as I constantly used to say them ‘London-Eye only with Baaba aani Aai’. I was in the queue to take tickets to go onto London Eye, dad just came and whispered ‘child let’s go some other place, it’s crowded here’, I knew this was coming but I asked ‘su waat che pappa’, he replied ‘tickets bau mongi che ne’. I was so touched and was in tears because they never refused me for my never ending demands of toys, clothes, cycle, mobile etc but still they are worried about their son’s savings. It’s still difficult to express that it was nothing in front of their smile and unconditional love.

Dheema Tamaara Pagla Ne
Gati Hoon Aapvaa Maangu Chu
Tamaaro Haath Pakadi Ne Tamanej
Hoon Chalaavva Maangu Chu.

Then time came to bid adieu, those 15 days flew like 15 secs but will be there in my heart for next 15 births. The pictures of that visit of my parents are still in my mind, I do check them when I am down and out. I just hope that such moments I cherish often in my life and keep my parents- my world proud.


With Lots of Love,

Rachit Khushal Visaria

Village: Bhojay

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Rachit K Visaria
I am Rachit Khushal Visaria , Director of Career Crest. Education: MBA from Nottingham University (UK) B.E (Electronics) - K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering Experience: Worked with Tech Mahindra Ltd and British Telecom, as Onsite Co-ordinator in UK. As I have myself done post graduation from UK, also I have worked in London before my MBA so I have experience of 2.5 years staying+studying+earning in UK which I can pass on to our students. Career Crest is an Educational Consultancy which helps students in counselling, admission. It also helps in Educational Loan, FOREX, Ticketing Etc with no extra charges especially designed for students.


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