Japan Experts To Help Bhutan Boost Up “Happiness” Census


Indian PM Modi unveils the plaque to inaugurate the Supreme Court of Bhutan as his Bhutanese counterpart Tobgay watches at Thimphu in Bhutan

Japan experts to boost the accuracy of the happiness measurement of the tiny Himalayan kingdom “Bhutan”. Bhutan works by plotting “Gross National Happiness” (GNH) and this measure is designed to protect the environment and culture, promoting good governance and pursuing sustainable economic development. However, the Thimphu government realized that GNH is little lacking and has asked Japan to improve its accuracy.

The researchers who specialize in social metrics will analyse the poll and give Bhutan side advice to improve its survey technique. GNH aims to balance spiritual and material wealth and has won world-wide attention and praise to held happiness conferences in the country.

Even Bhutan was visited by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and opened a Supreme Court building constructed with Indian assistance. He laid the foundation for a 600 megawatt hydroelectric to feed demand in Bhutan. Bhutan and India share a very special relationship that has stood the test of time and became a natural choice for NaMo’s first visit abroad.

Bhutan is similar to Switzerland in terms of its size and has been relished for maintaining a barter economy allowing few foreigners to visit. Its first road was built in 1962 and television and the Internet arrived in 1999.

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