JEE Main 2014 Results will be declared on 3 May 2014


jee main

All the candidates who have appeared in the JEE Main exam on 6th, 9th, 11th, 12th, and 19th April 2014, will be able to know the JEE Main score on 03-05-2014 at 10 AM. To check the scores online, they will be required to log in at using their Application Number and Password or JEE Main Roll Number, and Date of Birth. On the basis of the scores, the top 150000 candidates will be declared eligible to appear in JEE Advanced Exam 2014

JEE is popularly known as Joint entrance examination is a common entrance test that is conducted for admissions in various engineering colleges for courses such B. tech , B.E, B. Arch, and B. planning under the track of Ministry of Human resource development. As far as the pattern of the examination is concerned the JEE- main exam comprises of two papers i.e. paper 1 and paper 2. Candidates have the choice of opting for these examinations. Paper 1 is for admission in B. tech (online and offline) and paper -2 is for admission in B. arch and B. planning and this examination is conducted on offline modes. Both these examinations comprise of objective type of questions and the approximately 1, 50,000 students usually appear for the examinations. The eligibility to appear for these examinations is based on the performance in the JEE-main examination.

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